Risen Church
How You Can Partner
Partner with us
We hope that you will partner with us in this endeavor for Christ’s Kingdom, however you are able. We realize that each church and individual will partner in different ways, as God directs, but regardless of which you choose, we desire your partnership!
Jesus said in John 15:5, “Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Please pray that He would empower our work so that...
• We will fearlessly preach the gospel (Ephesians 6:19)
• The Word of Christ will grow and multiply (Acts 12:24) in our area.
• We will lack nothing (Titus 3:13)
• The Lord would send out laborers into the harvest with us (Matthew 9:38).
For updates on how to pray as our process unfolds, please sign up for our newsletter below.
We are in need of financial partners for our first two to three years, until we become self-supporting. To discuss specific needs, please reach out directly to Ian.
You can make the greatest impact by participating firsthand. Become a member of the Risen Church family, leverage your gifts for God’s Kingdom, and get a front row seat to see His work! If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in joining the Risen Church team, reach out directly to Ian.